Carna Biosciences, Inc.

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Mobility Shift Assay(MSA)/IMAP™ Kinase Assay QuickScout™ Cell Cycle Panel ver. 2.0

QuickScout™ Cell Cycle Panel ver. 2.0 is comprised of 30 relevant kinases involved in cell-cycle regulation and helpful when investigating whether your compound impacts cell multiplication. This panel primarily includes kinases directly involved in the cell-cycle, where their inhibition may interfere with cell proliferation. The ATP concentration is fixed around the Km value for these assays.

Please check our service schedule and assay conditions, and select "QuickScout™ Cell Cycle Panel ver. 2.0" on the Application Form. Please submit the completed application form as an e-mail attachment to
If you prefer to select from other panels such as, ALL targets, Km/1mM ATP conc, or Preincubation targets, please start from here.

Target Name Group Source
(Carna Catalog No.)
AurA (AURKA) Serine / Threonine 05-101
AurB(AURKB)/INCENP Serine / Threonine 05-102
AurC (AURKC) Serine / Threonine 05-103
BRSK2 Serine / Threonine 02-116
CDC7/ASK Serine / Threonine 05-109
CDK1(CDC2)/CycB1 Serine / Threonine 04-102
CDK2/CycA2 Serine / Threonine 04-103
CDK2/CycE1 Serine / Threonine 04-165
CDK3/CycE1 Serine / Threonine 04-104
CDK4/CycD3 Serine / Threonine 04-105
CDK6/CycD3 Serine / Threonine 04-107
CDK7/CycH/MAT1 Serine / Threonine 04-108
CDK9/CycT1 Serine / Threonine 04-110
CHK1(CHEK1) Serine / Threonine 02-117
CHK2(CHEK2) Serine / Threonine 02-162
CK2α1/β (CSNK2A1/B) Serine / Threonine 05-184
CK2α2/β (CSNK2A2/B) Serine / Threonine 05-185
GSK3β(GSK3B) Serine / Threonine 04-141
NEK1 Serine / Threonine 05-123
NEK2 Serine / Threonine 05-226
NEK6 Serine / Threonine 05-130
NEK7 Serine / Threonine 05-131
NEK9 Serine / Threonine 05-133
p38α(MAPK14) Serine / Threonine 04-152
p70S6K(RPS6KB1) Serine / Threonine 01-154
PIM1 Serine / Threonine 02-054
PIM2 Serine / Threonine 02-155
PLK1 Serine / Threonine 05-157
PLK2 Serine / Threonine 05-158
RSK1(RPS6KA1) Serine / Threonine 01-149

Service Schedule

February 2025
Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat
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March 2025
Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat
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30 31          
Test sample cutoff for next assays
Assay Start Day for MSA / IMAPTM
Assay Start Day for ADP-Glo™ and MSA(Preincubation)
Date in Red: Japan Holidays

Detailed Assay Conditions
for Each Kinase

Check this out & more in our Kinase Profiling Book!

Kinase Profiling Book